Keep the Lamp of Faith Burning Brightly

Keep the Lamp of Faith Burning Brightly


 1 Cor. 1:17-25, Mt. 25:1-13. To remind the Corinthians the importance of seeking Divine wisdom, Paul affirms that human knowledge count as nothing before God. To the Greeks, it is folly to believe in only one God, instead of pantheons of gods from their natural world. The Jew considered it unreasonable to have God’s son suffer. The Jews sought to have signs of proof from God, who reveals Himself in mighty deeds. Paul mentions that the Greeks were more philosophical. They sought a God of knowledge and intellectual wisdom, a God who could be known through logic and reason. For Paul then God’s plan is contrary to these ways of coming to know God, for He has revealed Himself through Jesus.

In today’s Gospel, God’s plan is revealed to us through the parable of the ten virgins. The bridegroom, who turned up late must have been equally pleased to find that at least some of the bridesmaids were there to meet him with torches lit and to escort him to the wedding banquet, in spite of his late arrival and their long wait. The unwise may seem to do nothing seriously wrong, but simply nodded off asleep. This is to explain to us that no matter how many excuses we have, it cannot explain our failure, as we often let an important opportunity slip by. Immediately after this parable, Jesus told His disciples: “Stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.” The Lord expected us to stay faithful, especially during those times when He seemed absent and our expectations of Him is not being met. When the Lord calls us to be His followers, it is always for the long haul; He looks to us to keep our light burning brightly to the end, through good and bad times. Keeping our lamps burning amounts to doing the good works the Lord calls us to do. We need the repeated reminder: “watch, for you know not the day nor the hour.”

May the Lord bless us with His wisdom, so that in everything we will strive to follow what He taught us and live lives that are truly worthy of God in all things! Amen!! Have a great day!!!





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