No one can Snatch them out of My Hand

No one can Snatch them out of My Hand


 Acts 11:19-26, Jn 10:22-30. Today’s Gospel describes how Jesus spoke of our eternal future while teaching in the precincts of the Temple: “I give them eternal life and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” Thus, someone asked him: “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are Christ, tell us plainly.” Many rejected His mystical words about the Kingdom of God and demanded a plain answer, ‘Yes or No,’ to the question: “Are you the Messiah?”

God can brighten our lives if only we take time to be perceptive. Today’s first reading presents this quality in Barnabas, a Christian from Cyprus who in his lifetime was virtually canonised by his friends as “a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith.” Originally named Joseph, he was nicknamed Barnabas because of his encouraging style and supportive personality (Acts 4:36). The openness of Barnabas to God’s gifts led him to Tarsus to search for Paul and brought to the Church in Antioch. Without this intervention, Paul, who had been virtually banished home to Tarsus, might have been lost in the silence of history. Like Jesus the Good Shepherd, Barnabas went out in search of Paul, to encourage us to know the need to be instrumental in helping others to find their proper role, their potential and the service they can give to the people of God.

May our lives continue to glorify God at all times and may we be courageous to proclaim Him to the whole world! Amen!! Have a glorious day!!!





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