It is the Spirit that gives Life

It is the Spirit that gives Life


 Acts 9:31-42, Jn 6:60-69. Through the Easter season the risen Christ brings life to what seemed dead within us, to make our faith blossom again. We can have a kind of spiritual rebirth, like the woman in Lydda who was revived by Peter in today’s first reading narrative. Her name was Dorcas and her spirit of charity and compassion endeared her to many, especially the widows and the needy. They felt her loss keenly and of course were delighted to have her back among them, alive and well.

“It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh cannot do so,” Jesus confirms this in today’s Gospel. He further affirms: “The words I spoke to you are spirit and life.” When others began to move away from Jesus, unsure about what kind of way He was leading them, Peter made it clear that he would stay: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Jesus probed the disciples so that they can make a personal commitment to stay with Him. The risen Christ also looks for commitment from us; we need to make a more personal and deliberate decision about faith than was required in the past. As we make a lift of faith we can do better and make Peter’s words our own: “Lord, you have the message of eternal life, and we believe that you are the Holy One of God.”

May the Lord lead us in our journey of faith and life, so that as we continue to persevere amidst the challenges of life, we may continue to do His will! Amen!! Happy weekend!!!



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