Waiting for the Resurrection

Waiting for the Resurrection


Gen. 1:1-2:2, Gen. 22:1-18; Ex. 14:15-15:1, Ex. 15:1-2.3-4.5-6.17-18, Ish 54:5-14, Ish 55:1-11, Bar. 3:9-15.32-4:4, Ezk. 36:16-17.18-28, Rom. 6:3-11; Mt. 16:1-7. During the daytime on Holy Saturday nothing happens Liturgically because it is a day of sorrow and reflection. However, event of things change when the sun sets and, according to Jewish and Christian tradition, Sunday begins and the hope of resurrection increases. In the darkness of Saturday night after sunset, Christians assemble to keep a vigil for the Lord Jesus and reflect on the story of salvation, from the beginning of the world to the third day after Jesus’ death. We wait in hopeful anticipation that the Lord Jesus will keep His promise and rise. We look forward to new life, not just for Jesus, but also for all believers, especially those who would be welcomed into the Christian community at this vigil above all vigils, this liturgical celebration which surpasses all liturgical celebrations.

At this Easter night which is the night of all night, the liturgical celebration has four parts: the Liturgy of Fire, Liturgy of the word, Liturgy of water and Baptism and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. In the darkness of this vigil, a fire is enkindled. It is the Light of the Risen Christ. From this new fire, the Paschal light is lit and carried in procession into the darkened Church. As the Light of Christ is welcomed into the darkened world, all are enlightened by the Light of Risen Lord. Joyfully the “Exsultet” is song to proclaim the fulfillment of Hebrew Scriptures in the coming of Jesus, the Light and the Life of the world.

May the light of Christ lighten our darken world and grant us His salvation! Amen!! Good morning and have a glorious day!!!





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