No sign shall be given to this generation

No sign shall be given to this generation


Jam. 1:1-11, Mk 8:11-13. In today’s first reading, James points out that true faith it put to the test to help us through every sort of trial. Faith that is tested makes for endurance and it keeps a us steadfastly holding on to God. It is not an arrogant self-confidence but a trust based on God’s fidelity. Such a level of faith helps us through dark times, with hope for new life.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus expresses His exasperation with the religious leaders who want some sort of sign of His Divine, that authentic faith is not primarily based on miracles. When some critics put Jesus into the test, they asked Him for some heavenly sign, He sighed with regret for the weakness of their faith. Jesus pointed out that miracles are not worked to prove His Messianic appointment, rather He manifests Divine compassion on those who are suffering so that they can realise God’s love and compassion.

May the Lord strengthen our faith in Him, and give us the courage to persevere all through our challenges in life! Amen!! Have a productive and fruitful week!!!




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