Memorial of St Scholastica

Memorial of St Scholastica


1 Kgs 12:26-32.13:33-34, Mk 8:1-10. Today’s first reading describes Jeroboam sins against God through misuse of the instruments of religion, priesthood, sanctuaries and feast days. Jeroboam, the king of the ten northern tribes of Israel, was afraid that the people would be tempted to re-unite with the two tribes in the southern kingdom of Judah since they were worshiping in Jerusalem. He established two places of worship, one in the far north, Dan and the other in the southern part of kingdom of Israel, Bethel. In each of those towns, he installed new (non-Levitical) priesthood to conduct the worship ceremonies. He had golden calves erected in the two places of worship and the people, like their ancestors in desert of Exodus, were led into the practice of idolatry by worshiping the golden calves, even though it was claimed to be the God who led their ancestors out of Egypt.

As Jeroboam encouraged this idolatrous worship, his dynasty was short lived. To encourage the reign of God on earth, Jesus preached the word of God and fed the people with compassion. In today’s Gospel, Jesus miraculously fed a multitudes of people with seven pieces of bread to show us the loving nature of our God. St Scholastica also showed the compassion of God in her dedication to God and care for other. Scholastica was renowned in her piety and inspired many others to follow her examples to a life of holiness and grace.

May the Lord deepen our faith, so that we may be model of God’s love! Amen!! Happy weekend!!!





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