Come to know the truth

Come to know the truth


1 Tim. 2:1-8, Lk. 7:1-10. The mission statement in today’s first reading is clear and engaging: God wants all to be saved and to know the truth; Jesus gave Himself as ransom for all; and Paul has a mission to all nations. Since God wants all to be saved, it seems that the bulk of humanity are being saved without explicitly accepting the Gospel. However, it is not explicit faith that determines the ultimate fate of an individual but the quality of a live as lived. The difference between faith and unbelief is between the strength of relying on Jesus and the uncertainty of living without His inspiration. Paul prays that all may be saved and “come to know the truth.” The truth of Jesus sets us free and inspires us, brings us peace and deepens our respect for life. As Paul says, since God is one, all God’s children form one human family, with a mighty mediator between God and ourselves, the man Christ Jesus.

In today’s Gospel, a Gentile Centurion, shows a more active faith than the Jews. The Roman centurion shows great concern, simplicity and graciousness towards the distress of his servant. He asks Jesus for help, risking refusal as a member of the hated Roman army. He also shows a courteous spirit: “Sir, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter my house.” Open and honest, he does not beat around the bush and is not afraid to publicly admit his trust in the healing power of Jesus. This man courteously sent a delegation of Jewish elders to intercede for him and his slave. He seems a consummate diplomat and his faith is highly praised.

May the Lord grant us His mercy and salvation! Amen!!! Good morning and have a productive week!!



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