Foxes has nest but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head

Foxes has nest but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head


Job 9:1-12.14-16, Lk. 9:57-62. In today's first reading, Job takes us back to that austere period after the exile, inviting us to examine how we deal with crisis in life. Job response to Bildad, the second friend who comforted him and asked him to admit his wrong doings and seek forgiveness from God in his dark hour, pointed out a hard truth; that nobody can be justified before God, whose wisdom and power are beyond our understanding. Job realised that not only was he no match for God and His thought processes, but has no right to challenge God, for human wisdom and thoughts are nothing when compared to the wisdom and thinking of God. Like Job, we also live in a world that is complicated, we must learn to bow in humble adoration before God who made everything in the world and has the control of the universe, beyond human scrutiny and comprehension: “Should He come near me, I cannot see Him; How much less can I give Him any answer.”

In today's Gospel, the three men who declared their desire to follow Jesus, could not understand why Jesus should reject their desire to take care of family business and saying “good-byes” to their loved ones. Yet, Jesus insists that they come with Him, leaving all behind. It is hard to fathom how the call of Jesus could be so urgent, when we know that following Him is never going to be an easy option. To follow Jesus demands that we think about what God is calling us to do in every situation. Often times, we allow our preoccupations and attachments to the world to put God aside, ignoring Him and His call to be committed to His cause. When we make excuses like this, we would be easily swayed to the lure of the evil one. Jesus demands for a level of allegiance even greater than what we owe to our blood relatives, for if we put Him first, everything else will fit into place.

May the Lord inspire us so that we may be strengthened in our resolve to follow the Lord! Amen!! Good morning, It is well with you!!!

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