The Most Holy Trinity, the Undivided Unity

The Most Holy Trinity, the Undivided Unity


Prov. 8:22-31, Rom. 5:1-5, Jn 16:12-15. As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the Church invites us to reflect on the deepest mystery of our faith: that God is one in nature and Triune in person. In today's first reading, wisdom is personified as been begotten by the Creator who takes part in the process of creation. In the Biblical Hebrew context, wisdom is portrayed as the only-begotten essence of God, who is co-eternal with God. It is this personified wisdom who assists in the process of creation, joyfully and carefully participating in bringing life to the world. After the coming of Jesus, His disciples related the personification of wisdom to the “Word made flesh.” Jesus, the only begotten Son, truly has been eternally part of not only the creation of the world, but the salvific recreation of humanity through His life-giving death and resurrection. Thus, wisdom is also seen by the Christian community as one of the essential qualities and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Psalmist declares the magnificence of creation and the most blessed part of creation God has given to humans. Praising God for creating the world and taking part in its care, placing humanity as the care-takers and climax of created beings.  In the second reading, Paul describes a further “blessing” bestowed by God upon humanity. Not only are we part and the most gifted part of earthly creation, we have been given the hope and promise of salvation in and through Jesus Christ. In today’s Gospel, as part of Jesus’ last will and testimony, He promises to share what He has received from His Father. It is available to us as we are open to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, guides us in the truth. We continue to grow in our knowledge of who God is- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The essence of God is the loving relationship. The relationship between the three person of the Blessed Trinity is first and foremost a relationship within the divinity itself. The Father relates to the Son and the Spirit, just as the Son relates to His Father and the Holy Spirit, in turn the Spirit is the relationship between Father and Son. Yet, Trinitarian Life is not meant to be a problem to be solved or an understanding to be figured out. The Trinity and our adoption into the life of the Triune God is a mystery to be lived. We are invited to participate in the very being or essence of God and have our lives enriched and lifted up to the divine level. The essence of God is the loving relationship. God has not only saved us through His Son’s paschal mystery; He has also called us into the divine relationship by allowing us to be children of God through the workings of the Holy Spirit. Today, we are called to immerse ourselves in the mystery of being blessed by the name of our God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” May the Spirit of the Lord make us understand what we do not yet know and may we listen to the divine Spirit to guide us into the fullness of truth! Amen!! Good morning and happy Sunday!!!

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