Tell My Disciples to Meet Me in Galilee

Tell My Disciples to Meet Me in Galilee


Acts 2:14.22-33, Mt. 28:8-15. Today’s first reading presents us with Peter’s first sermon after descent of the Holy Spirit. With the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter boldly proclaimed the fulfillment of the promises made by God in ages past. Particular attention is given to the word of the Psalmist proclaimed today. Peter proclaimed that David was not talking about himself when he spoke about God not abandoning the soul of the chosen one to the nether world or allowing the faithful one to undergo corruption. Peter points out that the words of the Psalmist are fulfilled in Jesus. Peter remarks that he and the other apostles were witnesses to the Risen Lord.

The mood of those Easter days is well pictured in today’s Gospel. Filled with awe and joy the women quickly left the tomb and ran to tell the disciples. They now knew that God’s love is life-giving and that God is more powerful than any evils we inflict on each other. The celebration of Easter confirmed that we do not walk through life alone. As Jesus says to the women: “Tell the others that they must leave for Galilee; they will see me there.” As He went ahead of His disciples, so He goes ahead of us to all the places we find ourselves in. His resurrection is life’s triumph over death, hope’s victory over despair.

May the Risen Lord strengthen us in our struggles and in our efforts to follow Him, despite all the challenges, trials and hardships that may come our way! Amen!! Have a glorious week and a productive month!!!




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