Mary Mother of the Church

Mary Mother of the Church


Gen. 3:9-15.20, Jn 19:25-34. As we mark the beginning of the second part of the Ordinary Time, a day after Pentecost is promulgated on 3rd March, 2019 as memorial of Mary Mother of the Church. With this memorial, we remember Mary in her constant guidance and protection for the Church that has been entrusted by her Son to her care. We make recourse to her that we may always seek her intercession and guidance and do not easily give up the struggles and the trials that we may have to face in this world.

Today’s readings remind us of the role of Mary in the life of Jesus and the Church. We see Mary’s role in giving birth to the one who defeated evil on the Cross, the platform from which He gave His mother to His disciple and also gave His disciple and all members of the Church to His Mother. We also have a glimpse of Mary’s role with early Church as she prays with them. After the sin of Adam and Eve, tension existed between the offspring of the serpent and offspring of Eve. One of Eve’s descendant will give birth to a Son who will battle with the offspring of the devil and He will be injured in the battle, but will win the ultimate victory over evil.

May the Lord be with us and His Church, so that we may be led into the path of righteousness and truth! Amen!! Have a productive week!!!





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