You know how I lived among

You know how I lived among


Acts 20:17-27, Jn 17:1-11. Today’s readings report famous last words from Paul and Jesus. Today’s first reading reports that Paul must proceed to Jerusalem and hopes, if he survives the dangers in that city, he will journey westward to Rome and even bring the Gospel to Spain. Paul says plainly: “You know how I lived among you from the first day I came here, how I served the Lord with humility through the sorrows and trials that came my way.” Paul faces an uncertain future, knowing that prison probably awaits him at Jerusalem.

Thus, Paul offers parting advice to the religious leaders; while Jesus prays for them and for all who will join them in times to come. In today’s Gospel, Jesus declares that the work given to Him by His Father was finished and He prays: “Father, give me glory at your side.” Jesus knows that His path to glory leads through the Cross. His lifting up on the Cross will lead to His being lifted up in glory. Jesus is ready to return to the Father because, He wishes to bring everyone of us to His Father. We have a lot of work to do while we are on this earth; we have been given some share in the Lord’s own life-giving work. Hopefully there will come a day when, like Jesus, we can also turn to God and say: “I have finished the work you gave me to do. Now, take me to yourself.”

May the Lord shine the light of His truth and love to the whole of this darkened world and bring us to true knowledge of salvation! Amen!! Have a wonderful day!!!





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