We are produce of Grace and Generosity of God

We are produce of Grace and Generosity of God


Acts 16:11-15, Jn 15:26-16:4. Today’s first reading suggests that the appropriate response to the experience of being graced is to grace others in return. Having received the gift of the Gospel from Paul, Lydia was moved to grace Paul and his companions by her offer of a place to stay. We have all been graced in various ways by the Lord, we give from what we have received. We look for ways to grace others as we have been graced, to bless others as we have been blessed.

We are meant to be inter-dependent, to form a community of mutual love, care and assistance. Appreciating what others do for us, we are led by a kind of ‘noblesse oblige' to find ways of reciprocating, in return. By appreciating others the Holy Spirit are called to our side. In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises us that at moments of special need we can rely on the great “Helper,” the Paraclete or Advocate, that is the Holy Spirit. The role of the Paraclete is to defend and protect, support and guide us.

May the Lord empower, encourage and strengthen us to live our lives worthily as true children of God, to be worthy beacons of God’s light, truth and love at all times! Amen!! Have a productive week!!?





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