When it does happen you may believe that I am He

When it does happen you may believe that I am He


Acts 13:13-25, Jn 13:16-20. In first his missionary journey, Paul addressed a crowd of Jews and “God-fearing” individuals, non-Jews who have come to the Synagogue to learn more about God and who desire to have a relationship with God. Paul asserted that all Israelite history has been leading up to the coming of Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour of the world. He spoke courageously and at length about the works of God’s salvation among His people, on how He had led them out of Egypt, guiding them and protecting them all the way, appointing judges, kings and prophets to help them remain on the right path; sending them reminders and help whenever they faltered and fell into the wrong paths. The Psalmist echoes part of Paul’s proclamation by praising God for choosing David and giving David power to lead the people, all for the greater glory of God. Today, let us know that we are part of the salvific plan of God, for God has control over history. The Hebrew Scriptures prepared the world for the coming of the Saviour who is the Christ - the Anointed One of God.

The word of God, as spoken through the patriarchs and prophets, focused on the time when God would save the people. Like Yahweh on Mount Horeb, Jesus says in today's Gospel: "I tell you this now, before it happens, so that when it does happen you may believe that I am He." This "I AM" title not only identifies Jesus with the 'Eternal Divinity', but links Him into the long history of Israel. He is the visible presence of the God who spoke to Moses at the burning bush, the mysterious saviour whose name is “I AM” or Yahweh (Ex. 3:14). The name 'Jesus' in Hebrew - "Yeho-shua", means “Yahweh saves”. God is known as the reliable One who will always be with His people to save them.

May the Lord bring His peace into the world, heal the face of the earth and help us to recognise God in the daily events of our lives! Amen!! Good morning and have a terrific day!!!

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