No One comes to the Father except through Me

No One comes to the Father except through Me


Acts 13:26-33, Jn 14:1-6. In his Synagogue sermon, Paul roamed through the Hebrew Scriptures, beginning with the patriarchs and Moses, ending with John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. In today’s first reading, Paul speaks directly to the situation of his hearers. He turns from the written word to the message spoken by the living God. The whole Scriptures, he says, leads up to Jesus, who gives each event its full meaning. Paul moves from the parchment to the person, calling us to move on from formal doctrine and have personal experience of Jesus.

We “followers of the way” must move beyond and below the creed to refresh our personal encounter with the Lord who speaks to our hearts. We are also on “the way” even when sin or misfortune makes us desolate. Even in times of turmoil and struggle, we are still “on the way,” with Jesus. Just as there are many mansions in the Father’s house as He promises in today’s Gospel, so the ways that lead to those mansions are many and varied. The only absolute guideline Jesus gives about staying on track with Him is the commandment of love, which was the hallmark of His whole life on earth. The many rooms in the Father’s house indicate a place of universal hospitality. Heaven is not an elite place for a selected few, but an open space for the many, just as Jesus did not come for the sake of the just, but for sinners. He is “the Way to the Father” for all who follow Him. He promised that, when lifted up from the earth, He would draw all people to Himself. If we follow Him as “our Way” in this life, we will in the end come to live with Him in the Father’s house.

May the Lord help us in our journey as faithful and dedicated Christians and strengthen us to persevere through the challenges of life! Amen!! Have a wonderful day!!!




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